9/7/2023 Fishing Report
Creek fishing this past week was outstanding! The numbers of Dollies being caught has started to decrease just a bit, but that tends to mean the ones that do get caught are almost all nice, big fish. Tis' the season of quality over quantity. The Dolly fishing is still exceptional however, and days of 15+ nice fish are easily attainable. As long as the pinks remain in the river, the beading will continue to be hot.
Bead color and size are extremely important right now and are changing day to day and creek to creek. Try fresher bead colors first (pale peach and oranges) and slowly change hues, getting progressively more dead looking. 10mm beads are fishing better at higher water levels and in Cowee Creek. Anglers are having better success in all the other creeks (Montana, Sheep, Fish Creek) with 8mm beads.
The rain last week bumped the rivers up slightly and brought some coho in. Coho were picked up here and there in Montana and Cowee Creek, but it seems like we haven't gotten the big push of wild fish yet. As long as the folks fishing on the ocean are doing well for cohos we will keep holding out hope they are still on the way. There is a good bit of rain in the forecast this weekend and potentially next week so thing could change very quickly. Keep at it and you will likely be rewarded!
*We understand that folks want fish, but, if possible, release most of the wild cohos after you catch them. By all means, keep a fish for a BBQ, just leave the freezer filling for hatchery fish.

As always, we love featuring your photos for our fishing reports. If you have a great fish, scenery, or action photo that has to do with fishing around town send it our way! You can email photos or videos to cory@alaskaflyfishinggoods.com. Please remember to handle fish with care, especially if you are practicing catch and release. Consider getting a net with a rubber basket to help land fish quickly and keep them in the water until you are ready to snap a quick photo.
See you on the water!
The Crew at AFFG
- Listed below are the hot patterns of the week. Fisheries change here through-out the season and we do our best to get you the hot flies. Listed below are our recommended patterns for the particular species available. Happy fishing!